Certification on a College Budget

CySecurity Certificate Highlight

Certification on a college budget

Good afternoon Pirates, whether you are a seasoned SOC team member, or someone casually interested in cybersecurity as a career move.; pursuing IT certifications could be the next thing to satisfy your end of year goals. The information security field is constantly improving and developing ways to validate the skills required for enterprises not only operate ethically but also safely within the cyber realm. Outside of the usual CaptureTheFlags, and online training courses., certifications are a great way to learn, improve, and show supervisors you’re serious about security. Following I have listed some great resources that I’ve stumbled upon and even used for my CompTIA certs (SEC+ & CySA+).

(Shameless Plug: For those trying to not only have some fun but build upon cyber forensics/ security skills. The Alert Logic Dues Ex Capture the Flag is still ongoing and only just ramping up Phase 2.. I’m excited to see what happens next!)

SANS is known for its quality of training they provide to the Security community and are highly regarded in equipping organizations with quality security professionals. Certification Training combined with GIAC certification can average around $6,000 per individual. To combat this hefty price tag, SANs offers numerous affordable pathways to attract motivated enthusiast. SANS offers numerous Immersion Academies, a Work-Study Program, and Degree focused programs that provide not only training but vouchers for GIAC certifications included.

SANS Immersion Academy

SANS Immersion Academy is a hidden gem, that is a workforce solution to buffer the low supply of Cyber Security operators within the world. The Immersion Program offers several Academies that cater to are trying to transition into the Cyber Security Career Pathway.
The Four Pathways are VetSuccess/ Women’s Academy/ Cyber Workforce Academy/ and Diversity Cyber Academy. Each with their unique requirements for admission but all 100% funded through scholarship. The Certifications and Training offered through these programs are GSEC, GCIH, and an optional third certification of the student’s choosing. The only drawback is that upon applying to these programs, applicants must not already be operating within the Cyber Security Realm as it caters to bolster the workforce.


The SANS Work-study is a very cool program where volunteers to community events can receive In-Person Training, On-Demand Material, Course Material, and a voucher for around $1300. The Cost for food and housing are on the volunteer and as well as reserving the seat before the Community Event kicks off, but at 5000 dollar discount, it is well worth it.

Upcoming Texas Events:

    * Community SANS Austin SEC545 Sept30
    * Community SANS Dallas SEC301 Dec 02
    * Community SANS Dallas SEC504 Dec 09

SANS Degree Undergraduate Certificate

| Masters Degree Program

SANS also offers an Undergraduate Certificate and Masters Degree program that are guided self-paced courses, offered in a semester like a format. While these are probably the more expensive of the formerly mentioned pathways, tuition reimbursement / GI Bill are viable financing options for certification seekers.

CompTIA Academic Market Place

CompTIA has a relatively unknown academic market place that offers valid CompTIA certification and training at approximately half the normal price normally offered. The only requirement is access to an academic ‘.edu’ email for initial voucher purchase. The only downside, in my opinion, is that a retake voucher can’t be purchased within the academic portal. Personally, the absence of a retake voucher motivates candidates to focus on the single exam attempt.

* [Work Study](https://www.sans.org/work-study)
* [Graduate and Undergraduate Programs in Cybersecurity | SANS Technology Institute](https://www.sans.edu/)
* [SANS Institute](https://www.sans.org/cybertalent/cybersecurity-career/seekers)


* [Index - CompTIA Marketplace Academic](https://academic-store.comptia.org/)